Serious Mental Illness

Patient Education Resources

Removing Barriers in Psychiatric Care

Stigma and a lack of understanding of mental illness and treatment presents significant barriers to patient engagement and recovery. Through on-going education, clinicians and patients can strengthen mental health literacy and foster a more compassionate and comprehensive psychiatric care delivery system.


Education has its own healing properties.  Not only does learning strengthen your mind, it also gives the power back to you- power to confront your illness, and power to advocate for yourself in the treatment setting.  When you are able to participate in the decisions about your healthcare, you become more invested in both the process and the outcomes.

Everyone is Unique

We all learn things differently, and at different paces. This website offers educational videos, written information, and printable posters. The information is meant to be shared during your visits with your mental health clinicians, but you can access the site at any time to review or share with loved ones.